Employees – Asset or Liability?

Effective Employee Management

Once you enter into the world of employment as a business owner, you enter a complex gauntlet of rules, laws and regulations defining how you treat your employees. These laws are unfortunately necessary to protect employees from unscrupulous employers and protect employers from the problems associated with employees. The key is to work within these limitations and provide your business with as much protection as possible with regards to employees. If you’re not doing a majority of the tasks below, you’re setting yourself up for a problem.

Here is a quick checklist outlining simple and effective things you can do to help protect your business.

Hire Smart

  • Develop written job descriptions before you hire.
  • Perform reference and background checks before you hire.
  • Provide a written job offer with detailed pay and job information at time of hire
  • Communicate company policy in the form of an Employee Policy Manual

Monitor Performance

  • Set clear and measurable expectations of each employee.
  • Execute performance reviews every 90 days first year of employment, semi-annually thereafter
  • Continue to set goals and benchmarks for future reference and review.

Deal with Problems

  • Quickly determine that there is a problem, i.e., tardiness, performance, attendance.
  • Counsel the employee on the issue.
  • Document the meeting and what the next step is.
  • Follow-up on the problem.

Document Everything

  • Document all employee issues, warnings and counseling sessions.
  • Track hours, meal and rest breaks and overtime.
  • Have employees sign all written communications, including payroll timesheets.

Terminate Quickly and Effectively

  • Don’t let problems drag on, you know when its time to call it quits.
  • Carefully consider all issues surrounding the employee and their performance.
  • Notify the employee in writing.
  • Pay all earned wages, commission and vacation at time of termination.

Again, this is just a quick overview of the very basic tasks an employer should perform in order to prevent employee problems. Maximizing their potential and creating longevity and loyalty is the next progression in the success of your business.

Author: Mike Hayden

For 15 years, Mike Hayden has helped business owners focus on the success and growth of their business by assisting them with integrated personnel management and administration through strategic outsourcing. He has been instrumental in helping small business owners focus on their real business and not on the complex responsibilities of being an employer. His company, Champion Employer Services delivers cost effective HR management solutions that help business owners leverage the power of their employees and regain focus, growth and profit.

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