Everything Has Changed

Why Proactive Human Resource Management
Isn’t Just for Big Business Anymore

Businesses have been forced to make drastic changes in workforce levels, employee policy and operations just to survive the economic downturn we’re facing. These actions include furloughs, performance related terminations, layoffs, wage reductions and temporary furloughs. Nearly every one of those moves carries litigation risk and employer liability if not performed correctly.

Employees are feeling the pressure as well. Their own lives are in chaos due to real estate woes, family job loss and other financial pressures. Many employees are becoming desperate to find a quick solution to their money problems.

With little to lose, more and more employees are willing to file labor board claims or other legal action, hoping to score a big settlement. Their allies are attorneys who will look for any reason to sue.  The smallest problems in the eyes of an employee can provide the foundation for an unwarranted claim and lawsuit.

So how does this change the workplace in regards to Human Resource Management? It changes it drastically, that’s the short answer. The longer answer involves a clear intention to build a solid foundation of HR strategies that are designed to maximize limited payroll dollars, protect business assets and set in motion necessary workplace changes designed to position the business for future growth and profit.

This solution is simple for larger businesses that have the resources and expertise to manage the complexities of HR. For small businesses however, they are highly disadvantaged in this area as it is usually the owners or unqualified staff that handle complicated HR related issues. Most must find creative ways to effectively manage their employees so they can succeed in a competitive marketplace but these methods usually lack any sophistication or focus. Without a concentrated focus on improving productivity, liability control and labor expense, businesses are doomed to mediocrity or worse, failure.

The most successful business have a clear focus on the human capital of their business. Now, more than ever, every business which depends on employees to get the job done must find ways to focus on strategic employee development and efficiency of human resource compliance.

If want succeed in a difficult economic environment, let Champion review your HR situation and see if outsourcing can help.

Author: Mike Hayden

For 15 years, Mike Hayden has helped business owners focus on the success and growth of their business by assisting them with integrated personnel management and administration through strategic outsourcing. He has been instrumental in helping small business owners focus on their real business and not on the complex responsibilities of being an employer. His company, Champion Employer Services delivers cost effective HR management solutions that help business owners leverage the power of their employees and regain focus, growth and profit.

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