Employers Survival Tip #1

Know Who You’re Hiring Because You Just Don’t Know Who You’re Hiring

A bad hiring decision can wreak havoc on a company budget, productivity and liability. Employees may apply for a position in your company and come in well dressed, able to articulate well, gush with personality but in reality, they may be hiding critical information that you as an employer should know. In this era of high unemployment, you as the employer are in the drivers seat and its critical that you cautiously approach hiring any new employee. Face it, you have limited payroll dollars and you can’t afford to make a mistake.

According to the Society for Human Resource Managers (SHRM), nearly half of more than 3,100 hiring managers interviewed report they’ve caught a job candidate lying on his or her resume or application.

Skeletons in the Closet?

What else is hiding in the closets of the candidates you are looking at? Illegal drug possession or usage? Embezzlement? Other criminal convictions?

The impact from drug or alcohol abuse in the workplace, includes tardiness, absenteeism, turnover, attitude problems, theft, decreased productivity, crime and violence. Sixty-five percent of all accidents on the job are related to drug or alcohol, and substance abusers utilize 16 times as many health care benefits and are six times more likely to file workers compensation claims then non-abusers.

Deterrence is a Great Prevention Tool

Candidates that are seeking employment with you are not likely to notify you of negative history that might affect their chances for employment. Additionally, knowing ahead of time that background checks are required, employees that have serious past issues will be deterred from seeking employment with you to avoid exposure of their history.

The only way to know who is coming into your place of business is to legally and thoroughly perform a strategic pre-employment screening related to your business needs as part of a specific and consistent hiring process.

Pre-Employment Background Checks

Background Checks are relatively inexpensive and can be customized to meet the needs of your business. Background checks can only be preformed before you hire an employee, or in association with a promotion.

Pre-Employment Drug Testing

Most drug testing is done by sending an applicant to a collection site, where a urine sample is obtained and sent to a certified laboratory for analysis. Negative results are normally available within 24 hours and in some cases immediately.

Physical Fitness Screening

If the position you are filling requires physical fitness to perform, it is wise to require a physical fitness test before employees are hired. It is all too common for an employee who has been injured previously to wind up on your workers compensation insurance.

Pre-Employment  screening is part of a specific hiring process that should be carefully and strategically designed and performed to ensure government compliance and maximum effectiveness.  Contact Champion for more information

Next Tip – Can Employees Reach Their (Your) Destination Without a Road Map?